Employment Harmful to Children in Texas

The general Employment Harmful to Children Law and full text can be found in section 43.251 of the Texas Penal Code.

You can be charged with Employment Harmful to Children in Texas if you employ, authorize, or induce a child to work in a sexually orientated commercial activity or in any place of business permitting, requesting, or requiring a child to work nude or topless.

A charge of Employment Harmful to Children is a 2nd Degree Felony (See Below).  However, it is a 1st Degree Felony if the child is younger than 14 at the time of the offense (regardless if you knew their actual age).

Range of Punishments for Employment Harmful to Children

  • 2nd Degree Felony – The range of punishment is 2-20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000
  • 1st Degree Felony – The range of punishment is 5-99 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000

What to do if you are charged with Employment Harmful to Children?

With undercover busts getting more and more frequent, an employment harmful to children charge is popping up more and more.  Typically, employees of strip clubs or massage parlors are charged for having underaged children working for them.

If you are charged with this type of case, you could be looking at serious prison time.  You need someone who has experience, someone willing to listen to you, and someone willing to protect you.  I will be happy to sit down and talk to you.  My goal is to always get you the best possible result.  Sometimes that is a dismissal, sometimes it is a Not Guilty verdict, and other times it is the least amount of time possible.

Get a Free Consultation

My intent is to always protect you and protect your criminal record.  Even if you are guilty, there are always ways to put this behind you and move on with your life.  I am here to guide you through the process.  My number is 713-222-2828, and my consultations are free.  So call me, Houston Sex Crimes Lawyer Eric Benavides, and we can get the process started today. You can also contact me about your case by filling in the following information. The first consultation is always free.